View: Europe

Swiss approve law boosting renewable energy generation

The Swiss government wants to use a new climate bill to boost wind and solar power’s current miniscule contribution to ...
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Transforming CO2 into green fuel with innovative sunlight-powered catalyst

Transforming CO2 into green fuel with innovative sunlight-powered catalyst by Sophie Jenkins London, UK (SPX) Mar 28, 2024 In a ...
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The Biggest Investors in Alternative Energy

Investors are taking bold steps to support alternative energy sources.
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What’s the plan and can it be safe?

The U.K. is planning to significantly expand its nuclear capability, in an effort to decrease its reliance on carbon-based fossil fuels.
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Government data reveals regional inequality in fuel poverty

The latest government publication of fuel poverty data highlighter major regional disparities in fuel poor households in England.
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Centrica reportedly looking at buying parts of Bulb

Centrica has reportedly joined the bidding to acquire parts of the collapsed UK energy supplier Bulb’s business.
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EVs hailed as cheaper to run than equivalent petrol cars

Driving an electric vehicle (EV) costs nearly £600 a year less than an equivalent petrol model.
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Government to reform offshore wind connections

  The government has announced its intention to establish a future generation of offshore connection hubs by combining offshore wind ...
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UK Power Networks unveils new flexibility tender

  UK Power Networks (UKPN) has launched a £13 million flexibility tender. Candidates can bid for some of the total ...
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New offshore wind farms could have ‘catastrophic impact’ on sea birds

  The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has warned that thousands of sea birds could die as a ...
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