Fostering the growth & establishment of clean energy enterprises

The Energy Portal helps renewable and sustainable technology, products, services and software companies establish a complete online presence.

Getting started & establishing your presence

The profile page

After signing up, to establish your presence, build out your business profile. 

Your business profile allows you to list all of your basic business information and include detailed information including social media links, documents upload for sharing decks etc. 

Your profile page also include standard items like the banner, profile picture, social media links, access to groups, forums, pictures and videos.

Amplify your online presence!?

Highlighted Community Feature

Document sharing! Document sharing allows members to share important items like Pitch Decks, One Sheets and other promotional material that can be used for sales or funds.

Keeping The Story Alive

Telling your story is just the beginning. Adding ongoing insights to support and further the narrative are essential elements of keeping your story alive.

Managing Your Content

Amplified content like Case Studies, Stories, Expert Listings etc, can all be seen and managed directory from your Partner Dashboard.

FREE DIY page & content builders to amplify & enhance your presence.

Grow your energy company, technology or campaign and grow your presence by fully promoting your business with a variety of interactive DIY & DFY solutions designed for marketing your technology, showcasing your success, highlighting the overall business, and connecting you to investment opportunities.

An effective way to engage and stay connected

Social communities help partners connect with their audience and share their sustainable stories and amplified content.

Why discussions are valuable

Groups & forums are essential components to building your business audience and making the most of story telling. They provide a platform for connection, discussion, engagement, learning, support, and collaboration. They contribute to the vibrancy, diversity, and value of every story inside the Sustainable Community.

Value for any sized company or organization

As an emerging industry, stakeholders need greater exposure and resources.

Companies in the early days of their green tech business. You need a reliable online partner to help you share and promote your tech to get early buy-in, get access to early adopters, seed funding & development resources.


You’ve got a client base & local market. You need to access resources, funding, data and engagement with new customers. You can benefit from building a online community without significant added expense.


Larger enterprises go beyond. Use TEP to recruit followers (individuals or energy companies) where they can expand to new markets, create collaborations, conduct surveys, focus groups and ongoing discussions inside our groups and forums.


Large agencies & international organizations (NGOs, government agencies, business development groups) dedicated to providing resources, funding or other assistance to green energy companies. 


Additional platform features

Custom features have been added to enhance the user experience.

Podcast Center

Hosted and recommended podcasts for members to enhance their industry knowledge and awareness


Curated videos sourced from across the web showcasing clean energy solutions and their impact

Blog & Insights

Clean energy and sustainability news and insights written and sourced to amplify partner stories and highlight impact

Tech Showcase

Specialized directory and insights created to ensure the latest technology can be seen and highlighted for easy viewing and understanding

Jobs Board

A niche jobs platform dedicated to clean energy. Created to help partners attract viewers and share via social posts and platforms

Events Platform

The Energy Portal events are carefully selected. The events listed are global, multicultural and cover a wide range of industries

Courses & Classes

Our course and class platform was created to facilitate our business programs but can also be used by partners to educate members on their tech and more

Advanced Search

Allows members to perform detailed searches for filtering VCs to determine good matches. Search is also available for agencies & experts

Can a expert help you?

Why hire an expert

Hiring a TEP expert or clean energy advocate has its benefits and can be used to help you achieve a variety of goals:

  • Help telling your brand story
  • Help amplifying your online presence with assistance with case study development, pitch decks and overall brand strategy
  • Helping you identify the financial benefits available to you as a green business
  • Helping you identify the financial benefits for going green
  • Helping you green your marketing or operations to reap the cost savings and reputational benefits that come with it.

Ready to go green?

Greening Your Business

The Greening Your Business Program offers practical steps, real-world examples, and resources to help your business, agency or event reap the branding & financial & tax benefits of going green.

Resources... What are they & how can they help?

Help for your company, community or investment fund

The Energy Portal provides resources to help you build a complete business profile, tell and amplify your sustainable story while building out your community for continued sharing and engagement.

Our Story

The Energy Portal Supports Clean & Alternative Energy Companies & Suppliers

As the definitive source for industry news, updates, product releases, company happenings and metaverse initiatives, The Energy Portal has committed itself to extending the reach and giving a larger voice to the businesses, entrepreneurs and environmentalists who will help the world move to a sustainable future.

Green Businesses

The green business definition describes a company that does not make any negative impact on the environment, economy, or community. These types of businesses are forward-thinking when it comes to human rights, environmental concerns, and related issues. Green businesses use environmentally sustainable resources and uphold socially responsible policies.

Environmental Leaders

Environmental leaders primarily are people who solve environmental problems; thus problem definition and solution are the key leadership activities once a useable vision is created. Sustainability leadership is a process of influence that delivers direction, alignment and commitment, and aims to address social, environmental and economic issues to create a better world.

Sustainable Developers

Sustainable development is an organizing principle for meeting human development goals while also sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system.

Custom Partner Listings

Each business listing within our directory is customized to match the partners needs. We seek to provide maximum exposure and visibility for every partner.

Financial Center Resources

Business partners get stock promotion, access to our VC;s and funding partners as well as full access to all of our financial resources, lists, links and more.

Connecting With Members

We promote each partner throughout our community areas including member activity feeds, groups, forums and events. And employees can create their own profiles to provide additional exposure.

News & Company Promotion

Whenever your company, product, service or solution has news to share, The Energy Portal will list your content within our news, video or podcast sections.

Words From Current Partners

This Is What They Say

You ask we answer

Some of the most frequently asked questions.  

Initial partnership and your Enhanced Profile are FREE  We even let you upgrade to our ALL ACCESS membership for free (limited time).  Upgrading to a TEP PRO membership however, requires a monthly or annual investment.  Visit our Memberships Page to learn more.

YES!  Standard Energy & All Access partners will have a fully accessible profile that can be seen by any member or partner.  Upgraded TEP PRO Partners will be actively promoted throughout the portal including content integration, event listings, podcast promotion and more.

YES!  We offer a full integration package that includes a Landing page/s, an ad package and more. Your company will have full exposure throughout the portal.

YES!  With our “Corporate” membership solutions add on, we allow each member or client to have their own personal profile that is also linked to the parent Company. This provides even greater exposure for the TEP PRO Partner.

You can email them directly from your profile.  Generate a custom invite message so they know its from you and start adding them as sub accounts.

Fostering the Growth & Establishment of Clean Energy Enterprises

Green Advocates

Hire a green energy professional to help with planning, strategy & funding.

Marketing & Branding

Gain exposure for your green project, product or service or establish your brand.

Green Your Business

  • Get tax incentives
  • Improve your reputation
  • Be more sustainable

Free Consultation

Speak to an energy advocate about your business needs and get a free assessment.

QuickLinks. & more.

Help Us Improve The Energy Portal

Sustainably conscious consumers

Green Experts

We Help You Green Your Company!

Developing and implementing sustainability initiatives, environmental management strategies, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to promote environmental stewardship and social impact.
Area Of Interest:

Green Advocates

We Help Your Green Energy Company or Help You Green Your Company!

Tell us about your investment needs

Fill in the form below to let us know what investments you seek or wish to offer.

We will reply within 24 hours.