Experience a powerful learning experience

Since many people are becoming more interested in this type of energy, online alternative energy classes and courses are becoming more popular. Energy Portal classes will cover a variety of topics including learning the science behind solar energy, wind energy, hydroenergy, geothermal energy and more, as well as practical techniques for using these sources in real-world applications.

Course & features

The course and class system created by The Energy Portal will operate as both a Direct To Member platform as well as a Course Marketplace where we will also partners to offer free and paid courses to Energy Portal members and subscribers.

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Student Dashboard Includes:

  • Student Profile
  • Enrolled Courses
  • Course Progression
  • Jump to Next Lesson
  • Upcoming Classes, Events & Schedules
  • Groups and Forums
  • Points, Rewards, and Badges
  • Recent Activity Feeds
  • & more…

Submit or teach a course

As a Energy Partner of Contributor, you gain the ability to create & teach courses that you and others can share throughout the social community. 

You can even create virtual classrooms!

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Instructor resources Includes:

  • Virtual Classroom Manager
    • Create groups for classes, teams, or projects
    • Set up one-time or recurring meetings
    • Restrict access to private, hidden, or public classes
    • Automatically sync new class details, schedules, and updates
    • Trigger real-time site notifications
    • Share recordings, transcripts, and chat files
  • Virtual Broadcast Manager
    • Share your screen, webcam, or content with one-click
    • Live chat, polling, annotation, and reactions
    • Digital whiteboarding
    • Breakout rooms
    • Virtual seating charts
    • Admin and moderator controls

Advocates, Influencers, Guides, Writers , bloggers, Educators, Podcasters & vLoggers

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