Micro communties.

And how your alternative energy company can benefit!

Providing a space for your followers, clients and others to learn about and engage with your company can be effective. You don't need a million followers to have a successful micro-community.

Online communities work because they bring people together around shared interests and goals, providing a convenient, accessible, and diverse platform for engagement, support, and learning. They create environments where individuals can connect, share, and grow together, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

The Energy Portal is a platform that allows energy enthusiasts, energy entrepreneurs, companies and agencies the ability to create MICRO COMMUNITIES (public or private) where they are able to collaborate together.

The Energy Portal currently hosts The Renewable Community which acts as the parent community (or hub) for all of our partner micro communities and other energy enthusiasts who join to learn more about them.  

DIY Groups, Forums & more...

DIY Groups

DIY Groups

DIY Forums

Forum discussions about anything Do It Yourself.  Share best practices, Ask questions, start a sub forum for a specific topic.

Calculators, Surveys & Quizzes

The portal helps you take action by helping you calculate your carbon footprint along with small challenges about your knowledge of clean energy and other climate friendly products (coming soon).

DIY Projects

DIY For individuals has also been created to also help members go green faster and easier. 

Members can learn to do things like start their own in-home aquaponic garden, add solar panels or wind turbines, capture rain water or other environmental saving tips.  We also help Eco-Warriors & Partners improve their knowledge in a variety of areas via quizzes, calculators and classes.

We even encourage members to submit suggestions they think other members can use.


Links & Resources


(Coming Summer 2024)

Make A Suggestion

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