State, Local and Tribal Climate and Energy Programs

"Work with state, local and tribal governments to identify and implement cost-effective programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy, and improve air quality."

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Work with state, local and tribal governments to identify and implement cost-effective programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy, and improve air quality.

State Local Energy logo

Many state, local and tribal governments are using clean energy policies to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases, improve air quality and public health, and achieve economic development goals. EPA’s State and Local Climate and Energy Program supports these climate change and clean energy efforts by providing technical assistance, analytical tools, and outreach support.

Heat Island Reduction Program logo

The Heat Island Reduction Program helps create cooler communities and reduce the heat island effect by sharing information about heat island impacts, mitigation benefits, and policy advancements with state and local decision-makers and program implementers, the research community, industry, and the general public.

State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network logo

The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network strives to help the nation achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency by 2020 by focusing on the assistance that states and local governments need to perform their critical role in advancing policies and practices that bring energy efficiency to scale.

Smart Growth logo

EPA’s Smart Growth Program helps communities improve their development practices and get the type of development they want. The program works with local, state, and national experts to discover and encourage development strategies that protect human health and the environment, create economic opportunities, and provide attractive and affordable neighborhoods for people of all income levels.


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