What does the greening of the world mean to me?
People often talk about the benefits of going green as it impacts the climate, but there are other more tangible and even immediate benefits for you if the world begins to go green. Below we have listed 4 ways that going green can benefit you.
4 areas that going green will help!



The green economy could create 24 million new jobs according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Council. From green construction, to solar farm development, electric vehicles and more, there will be millions of new, high paying available jobs.


Cost Savings

A significant economic benefit of going green is that it helps lower costs and save money. The use of renewable energy helps reduce energy consumption, which in turn helps save money spent on electricity bills (which is a benefit to the individual). Going green at home helps reduce water and power bills significantly.


Lower Taxes

More and more national, state and local governments are incentivizing the move towards going green by providing tax breaks and other incentives. We have compiled a list of links for the U.S. and will be adding more for international benefits in the near future.


Healthier Foods

By starting a in-home or vertical garden will allow you to supplement your families food supply, but also ensure the organic nature of the fruits and vegetables you grow and feed to yourselves and your children.

Some Things You Can Use Today!

A few featured items with more to come from TEP partners that we know you can use to go green.

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