Share your story to a broader audience

From PR and marketing campaigns to producing & promoting live & virtual events, we will help you share your story to wider audience well beyond the walls of The Energy Portal.

Partner & Eco-Boost Client:

Working with you to promote your clean energy products, technology, initiatives and green campaigns

The Greening Collaboration

Done with you (DWY) National, Business & Community Advocacy Programs & Campaigns

Through The Greening Collaboration we support a diverse range of energy companies, agencies and organizations in fostering, implementing, and communicating all aspects related to green or clean energy. Within this collaboration, our partners gain the opportunity to infuse sustainability into their marketing, sales, and beyond. Via The Energy Portal and other energy blogs, they also have the platform to showcase initiatives, campaigns, products, software, or other green technologies they possess. A Energy Advocate will collaborate directly with you to develop the strategies necessary to achieve the desired goals.

Key Metrics

Our overall marketing reach and engagement covers a broad demographic, however our campaigns will achieve the following:




media outlets reached


member personas targeted

A National, Business & Community Advocacy Program

A visionary global program dedicated to accelerating the adoption of clean energy solutions. Our mission? To empower citizens, inspire action, and drive positive change toward a greener planet.
Building public awareness, acceptance, and support for clean energy initiatives is crucial for successful implementation. Governments may encounter challenges in communicating the benefits of clean energy, addressing misconceptions or skepticism, and engaging diverse stakeholders, including communities, businesses, and civil society organizations.
This parent program marks the commencement of our initial collaboration. Through The Greening Program, we support a diverse range of energy companies, agencies and organizations in fostering, implementing, and communicating all aspects related to green or clean energy. The program consists of a variety of SUB-PROGRAMS that are individually effective and collectively they become a full 360 solution.



Your green energy campaigns and initiatives are effectively introduced to your citizens. Our marketing & PR campaigns will create significant awareness.


Citizens will engage with you via a variety of social media channels, surveys, courses, content & more. We will build your micro community for ongoing interactions.

Data & Measurables

As you engage with your citizens and others, our system allows for extensive data capture, reporting and analytics that can be used to inform future marketing and development.

Greening Your Business

Benefitting From The Transition

Greening Your Business Or Company

A comprehensive plan for integrating sustainability into your business and operations. The program offers practical steps, real-world examples, and resources to help your businesses become more environmentally and socially responsible and reap the financial benefits for doing so.

National Campaigns

Nationwide programs that can be implemented by province, state or regional governments.

Connecting With Citizens

GreenHorizons: National Programs

A visionary global campaign dedicated to accelerating the adoption of clean energy solutions. Our mission? To empower citizens, inspire action, and drive positive change toward a greener planet. 

Allow us to serve as your advocate, spreading the message of your country’s sustainable endeavors to both your citizens and the global community.

Your country will receive a scaled up version of our entire package of programs, digital solutions and community engagement. (EcoBoost+, TEP Agency, TEP Pro for select private enterprises & more.)

Solar Farming

Farming That Can Feed Communities

Innovative farming techniques and practices play a crucial role in addressing food security challenges and ensuring sustainable access to nutritious food for communities worldwide. 

Utilizing green energy sources like solar, wind and geo thermal, the direct link between the world’s move to clean energy and feeding its increasing population are directly linked.

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