Fully promote your energy business & new community effectively & affordably

Enhanced DIY, DWY & DFY solutions

We have created enhanced interactive (DIY, DWY & DFY) solutions that will help TEP Pro Partners enhance their micro community with detailed partner listings, landing pages, posts, pitches, case studies, initiatives and campaigns.  We have made it easy to engage with clients, collaborators and investors.

Promote your energy company, green tech, product or campaign

The Renewable Community enhances your presence and allows Partners to fully promote their businesses by creating a full business listing utilizing our custom templates.  Your listing can be enhanced with a variety of add-ons that include: Product Promo Pages, Investor Pitch Decks, Case Studies & more…(see below)

Showcase the information you most wish to share, we make creating your add-ons and interactive elements easy.

Create online Pitches, Case Studies & more with easy to use front-end dynamic forms

  • Add Case Studies
  • Create Pitch Decks
  • Submit & Share Insights & Tech
  • Post & Share Jobs
  • Create Group Landing Pages
  • Submit & Share Events
  • Create & Share Classes & Courses
  • Create & Share A Campaign

Submit & post Partner content

Contributors, Employers, Authors or Partners, have the ability create content that you and others can share via your profile and throughout the Renewable Community. 

Posted Content can and will be:  Shared on profiles, posted in groups, discussed in forums, shared via email & direct messaging and even tagged when posting.

  • Create & Share Listings*
  • Submit & Share Articles & Tech
  • Post & Share Jobs*
  • Participate in Groups & Forums
  • Create Groups & Forums*
  • Create Group Landing Pages*
  • Submit & Share Events*
  • Create & Share Classes & Courses*
  • Create & Share A Campaign*
  • Share Photos & Videos

Live stream in groups

Broadcast virtual meetings, events and classes with Zoom or YouTube Live!

Schedule live classes with Zoom, embed Zoom meetings anywhere, and turn your past meetings into a resource library.

Embed your livestreams using Vimeo, YouTube or any other embeddable live streaming platform.
  • Agencies with multiple locations
  • Companies with remote workers
  • International investor meetings
  • Product demonstrations
  • Virtual instructions
  • & more…

Vendor marketplace

The Renewable Community let’s Partners earn revenue by creating their own online store or by adding products to our online shop.

Partner dashboard for easy access

Every Partner gets a custom dashboard that lets them access their profile, membership, affiliate page and all enhanced content they submit.  View & edit listings, posts & more…


You can create & manage content directly from your Member Dashboard

Access experienced industry professionals

Our process is designed to give you the best chance at starting, marketing and scaling your green product, service or technology.

Create Landing Pages For Pitches Promotions Campaigns & More...

Energy Partners

Use our online landing page builders to create your own business listing, group landing pages, one sheets, promotions, surveys, & profiles complete with links, info, social media, videos, photos, contact form, donation options and much more…

DIY Groups, Forums & more...

DIY Groups

DIY Groups

DIY Forums

Forum discussions about anything Do It Yourself.  Share best practices, Ask questions, start a sub forum for a specific topic.

Calculators, Surveys & Quizzes

The portal helps you take action by helping you calculate your carbon footprint along with small challenges about your knowledge of clean energy and other climate friendly products (coming soon).

DIY Projects

DIY For individuals has also been created to also help members go green faster and easier. 

Members can learn to do things like start their own in-home aquaponic garden, add solar panels or wind turbines, capture rain water or other environmental saving tips.  We also help Eco-Warriors & Partners improve their knowledge in a variety of areas via quizzes, calculators and classes.

We even encourage members to submit suggestions they think other members can use.


Links & Resources


(Coming Summer 2024)

Make A Suggestion

Help Us Improve The Energy Portal