Consumer Resources

Members Gain Access To A Full Set Of Resources Designed Ro Help Them Save Money Or Transition To Alternative Energy More Affordably…

Rebates & Tax Credits

Many cities, states and countries are now providing consumers with a wide array of incentives and tax credits for going green.  Including the use of solar, EVs, rain water capture and more.  View our Lists (above) but here is a quick link to US based programs.

Links To Govt. Resources

There are multiple sites that provide links to government resources,  We have a few listed below but we will add more along the way…

International Resources

The Energy Portal is actively working with local environmental and green contributors to secure resources from multiple countries across every continent.  If you are aware of some please submit them.


Being green is now becoming measurable.  We will begin providing you with multiple calculators to determine just how green you are in many areas. 

Example: (do know your energy score)

How To's & DIYs

Going green is becoming more and more a DIY experience.  From in home gardening (aguaponics) to solar powered night lights, rain water capture and more.  The Energy Portal has a list of How To articles, videos and tutorials with many more to come.  We also have a ever growing DIY Center filled with interactive videos, articles and coming soon… (create your own campaign and eco-friendly products.)

COMING SOON… Get ECO Certified.  Complete a series of online classes and you can become TEP Certified in a variety of areas.

Member Suggestions

The Energy Portal values our members and their input.  If you are aware of a new consumer technology, product, resource etc.  Please share it here and on your social media wall for others to see and take advantage of.

Make A Suggestion

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